Table of contents for Marketing of tomorrow: 3D product visualization with AI target group analysis:
- How does AI support precise product visualization through the use of extensive data analysis?
- Revolution in real-time data analysis and customer loyalty through AI
- AI as the key to integrating and analyzing large amounts of data
- Optimization of digital marketing strategies through the combination of AI and machine learning
- How do current digital technologies focus on the customer experience?
- Danthree Studio: Digital master craftsmen and customer savvy - for the visual marketing of tomorrow
Creating 3D product visualizations is one thing - the other is a visual language that resonates with the target group. AI-based analysis supports our work as a CGI agency to create high-quality and customized visual marketing and CGI advertising for our clients.
New technologies influence every industry. The furniture industry is no exception. AI is the big topic in 2023. Artificial intelligence has experienced an enormous boost in development, and this has also arrived in visual marketing.
When we think "AI" and "visual marketing", applications such as AI Midjourney and other AI-supported image generators, such as Stable Diffusion, naturally come to mind first. It is true that the ultimately rapid development of AI has also influenced visual marketing in companies.
But generative AIs for image creation are not yet as powerful as our competent human CGI artists. Another application is much more interesting and is also currently undergoing excellent development: AI can be used to analyze data in order to reflect this data in CGI images.
How does AI support precise product visualization through the use of extensive data analysis?
If you know your target group precisely, you can increase sales. Because customers who are continuously offered added value, entertained and informed are happy to buy.
A target group-oriented approach is the basis for a lasting relationship of trust between customers and the company, which should also be taken into account in the product presentation. But how exactly does this work? First of all, companies need to know their target group. Meeting people where they are - that presupposes that you know where they are.
Use of AI for target group-oriented 3D product visualization at Danthree Studio
Revolution in real-time data analysis and customer loyalty through AI
Data analyses provide the basic data on target groups, show patterns, establish relationships, identify trends and can reveal correlations and anomalies. AI enables real-time data analysis and therefore real-time decisions. 57 percent of companies already use real-time analyses to develop and adapt strategies.
AI can continuously scour the web for data and analyze it to precisely narrow down target groups, enabling the development of a potent and interested customer base and sustainable customer loyalty.
AI as the key to integrating and analyzing large amounts of data
AI is able to bring together large amounts of data from different sources relatively quickly and easily, compare it and produce analyses. Structured data such as zip codes and telephone numbers as well as unstructured data from social media and other network-based information come together and paint an even more accurate picture of the target group.
Optimization of digital marketing strategies through the combination of AI and machine learning
AI does not stand alone. While systems with artificial intelligence process information in a human way, machine learning enables data analysis to be optimized through continuous automation.
This brings together two powerful digital technologies that can firstly find new data sources, secondly structure and process data even better and thirdly even develop proposals for action.
It is therefore not only possible to adapt marketing campaigns during the ongoing process, but also efficient and accurate thanks to the combination of AI (definition AI - artificial intelligence) and ML (definition ML - machine learning).
Strategic 3D product visualization at Danthree Studio with the support of AI
How do current digital technologies focus on the customer experience?
Home & Living and interiors are always about holistic spatial experiences. Rooms become feel-good spaces when materials and textures, lighting, colors, temperature and air quality combine to create a harmonious atmosphere. This is what the furniture industry, lighting, interior design and interior decorators are working on.
In furniture stores, it is relatively easy to furnish the relevant rooms to suit the target group and guide customers through them. A holistic experience awakens desires and leads to purchases. However, a large proportion of sales now take place online, and this is also the case in the furniture, home & living sector. So how do you make it possible for customers to firstly find their feel-good spaces online and secondly experience them comprehensively?
Danthree Studio: Digital master craftsmen and customer savvy - for the visual marketing of tomorrow
This is exactly where we at Danthree Studio come in as a creative CGI agency: Our 3D artists work together with master craftsmen and women from the various trades to create customized 3D visualizations.
Our goal is the tangible representation of room temperature, lighting conditions, digitized textures and surfaces in the field of 3D product visualization. Digital showrooms don't just show what our customers' products do in the Home & Living sector - they bring it to life.
We find the areas of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) particularly exciting. These technologies are not yet so widespread, but are becoming increasingly accessible to broad sections of the population.
Every product visualization is designed so that end customers can fully experience furniture and interior design. The positive, inspiring customer experience of our clients' customers is our focus - sustainably, in the long term and with as much added value as possible.
We know: 59 percent of furniture companies are currently working on showing their product range as 3D product visualizations. 52 percent are working on the introduction of AR within the next year.
3D model on a tablet used at Danthree Studio for optimized visual marketing
The second point concerns the question: How do end customers find our customers? This is where AI comes into play. It is important for companies in the furniture and interior design sectors to know their target group precisely. How exactly is this target group defined? You can obtain a lot of information through customer surveys, website analyses and the evaluation of data from social media:
- Age
- Gender
- Purchasing behavior
- Use of media, especially online
- Income situation
However, this and other data must be compiled and evaluated. For humans, this is a mammoth task, laborious, time-consuming and cost-intensive. For AI programs like ChatGPT, it's child's play.
If the target group is known, every 3D visualization can be geared precisely to this target group. What's more, the target group can be addressed exactly where they are. TikTok, Instagram, daily newspapers, YouTube or trade magazines online and in print - anything is possible.
In this way, CGI and AI can be perfectly combined.